Saturday, December 28, 2019

Neil Postman s Assertions And Today s Society - 990 Words

Christina Contreras Mr. Limon ERWC 01 March 2017 Neil Postman’s Assertions and Today’s Society: Huxley’s Brave New World could be considered almost prophetic by many people today. It is alarmingly obvious how modern society is eerily similar to Huxley’s novel with the constant demand for instant gratification encouraging laziness, greed, and entitlement. Neil Postman, a contemporary social critic, seems to have noticed this similarity, as he has made bold, valid statements regarding the text and its relevance to our world today. This response is strongly in support of those statements and will prove both their accuracy in clarifying Huxley’s intentions and how Postman’s assertions compare to society today. One of Postman’s assertions†¦show more content†¦It comes as a justified fear considering everyone is coaxed into using social media by companies making it overall more convenient to do everything online. Not only does this lead to laziness--which is terrible for physical health--but selfishness in that what is most important is how the consumer fairs, not others. In the novel, Linda sleeps with the husbands of other women in an effort to achieve sexual stimulation. As a result, women â€Å"[began] hitting her with a whip...and each time Linda screamed† (134). Chasing what she loved led to a negative outcome. Kyle Smith, author of the article â€Å"Brave New World (is Here!)†, explains how a world prioritizing nothing but pleasure is nowhere near the heaven people imagine. He explains how â€Å"...a happyland free of intimate bonds and arduous challenges is actually a dystopia†. Basically, and more familiarly, too much of anything is not a good thing, and that includes pleasure. Lastly, at one point John tries to defend morals like being chaste. He is rebuked by Mustapha Mond, who says, â€Å"...[chastity, passion, and neurasthenia]...lead to instability...and [thus] the end of civilization† (239). As he begi ns whipping himself in an act of self-discipline, he is encouraged to continue by a crowd of desensitized people saying, â€Å"Do the whipping stunt. Let’s see [it]† (257). These quotes supportShow MoreRelatedBrave New World By Aldous Huxley1150 Words   |  5 Pagesreviewed over time by many different people. Neil Postman is a man who has read Huxley’s novel and came to conclusions himself. Postman has made many relevant assertions as to how our modern society is similar to what Huxley had wrote about. Three main points I agree on with Postman is that people will begin to love their oppression, people would have no reason to fear books, and that the truth will be drowned by irrelevance. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay about Critical Thinking Strategies in Decision Making

Critical Thinking: Strategies in Decision Making Critical thinking is a process of applying various skills to analyze information. Critical thinking uses rationality to distinguish between emotion and fact. This paper will discuss the definition of critical thinking, and the skills it takes to think critically. It will also provide an example of critical thinking applied to my current working environment. Finally this paper will discuss the importance and benefits of critical thinking in the decision-making processes. According to The Foundation for Critical Thinking (2007), Critical thinking is, in short, self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking. It presupposes assent to rigorous†¦show more content†¦In order to effectively conduct critical thinking, it is important to know what skills are necessary to do so. Rick D. Rudd (2007) explains that Traits of critical thinkers include independent thinking, intellectual empathy, intellectual humility, courage, integrity, perseverance, int ellectual curiosity, and faith in reason, intellectual civility and intellectual responsibility (Rudd, 2007). These traits are necessary in order to see past ones own personal opinion and to accept evidence to prove points rather than hearsay. A person whom is willing to ask questions is willing to explore the subject and learn about all aspects of the subject; that is a critical thinker. Implementing critical thinking into the working environment is a very useful tool. Rick D. Rudd (2007) states that, Individuals who can think critically are invaluable as employees, leaders and members of society (Rudd, 2007). The ability to solve problems at work by breaking the problem down to a step by step solution makes a quality employee. Companies tend to consider employees with critical thinking skills as a valuable asset to the company. At my place of work critical thinking is very subtle. There are truly no major problems that occur that need to be solved by critical thinking. Although th ere are other matters that do require critical thinking. This usually involves a team of two people;Show MoreRelatedThe Direct Relationship Between Critical Thinking And Ethics1268 Words   |  6 PagesRelationship between Critically Thinking and Ethics Manuel Ortuno Jr. Foundations for University Success/GEN 201 21 September 2014 Ms. Alisa Hewitt The Direct Relationship between Critical Thinking and Ethics Critical thinking and ethics are two topics that every person should be educated on starting from childhood in order to be functional members of any society. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Pablo Picasso Example For Students

Pablo Picasso Biography Outline1 Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)2 Pablo Picasso Paintings of Blue and Pink Periods3 Death Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) When in the family of Jose and Mary, on October 25, 1881, a first baby was born; nobody knew how talented this child would be. Picasso’s father, Jose Ruiz was an artist and a teacher. Maria, his mother, belonged to the family of grapes plantations owners. After the birth of Pablo, Mary gave birth to the two girls, Dolores and Conchita. Pablo was very handsome and talented. The first attempts to paint something beautiful he did when he was six. Of course, Jose immediately saw how talented his child was and taught his son the basics of painting and drawing. At the age of 7, he started helping his father to paint. At age 13, Jose allowed his son to complete his work and was very surprised by Pablo’s talent. After this, his father gave all his art equipment and materials to his son and decided to quit painting. We will write a custom essay on Pablo Picasso specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The same year, the young man enrolled in the Academy of Arts in Barcelona. Pablo managed to convince the university teachers that he was professional and deserved to study there. Thats when the young man felt like a real artist. After gaining experience during three years of study, Pablo went to Madrid to enter into the prestigious academy. While studying there for half a year, he mastered the techniques of famous Spanish artists. At this academy, Pablo Picasso created the following paintings: The First Communion, Self-portrait, and Portrait of the Artist’s Mother. He grasped everything pretty easily, and nothing seemed impossible to him. When communicating with his colleagues, young artists, he compared his works with others and understood that his canvases were brighter and more interesting. He realized how exclusive he was and that the path to the heights of glory is difficult and long. He had ambition, desire, and other traits to win Olympus. He dedicated himself to one idea and showed selflessness and huge self-discipline. Pablo chose the maiden name of his mother, Picasso. The young painter couldn’t embrace his rebellious nature and decided to left the educational institution. All at once, Carles Casagemas became Pablo’s close friend, with whom Pablo traveled around the world. All along their first trip, friends studied the paintings of Delacroix, Toulouse Lautrec, Van Gogh, Gauguin, as well as ancient Phoenician and Egyptian frescoes, and Japanese engravings. Young people got acquainted with famous persons as well as rich collectors. Pablo Picasso Paintings of Blue and Pink Periods In 1901, Pablo faced the tragedy that led to the creation of the famous series of paintings. His best friend, Carles, made a suicide. Pablo created a number of paintings that belong to the first period of his artistic life, Blue Period. He painted scenes of poverty, isolation, and anguish, almost exclusively in hues of blue and green. The abundance of blue and gray tints in the paintings showed the depressed state of the young man. Pablo Picasso also used these colors because he couldn’t afford to buy the paint of other colors. Picassos most famous paintings from the Blue Period include   Portrait of Jaime Sabartes, Rendezvous, Tragedy, and An Old Jew with a Boy.   All the pictures were filled with a sense of anxiety, despondency, fear, and longing. The technique of painting contained sharp angles and rigid contours. In 1904, despite the lack of finance, Pablo Picasso decided to move to Paris. The beautiful place where Picasso lived inspired him to create vivid and warm paintings (â€Å"Pink Period†). Picassos most famous paintings from the Pink Period include Actor, Seated Nude, Woman in a Shirt, Acrobats,† Mother and Son, Family of Comedians. .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b , .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b .postImageUrl , .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b , .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b:hover , .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b:visited , .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b:active { border:0!important; } .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b:active , .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u56238b9ead171d92d3e26a6d5fa62c5b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Basic Dilemma of the ArtistIn 1907, he was acquainted with the artist Georges Braque. They invented a new form of painting, cubism. At the age 28, Picasso painted the artwork called Avignon girls, which became the forerunner of works created in the style of cubism. In spite of criticism, Pablo Picasso continued the development of the new style. In 1908, he created a few works in the style of abstractionism. Despite the scandal, paintings produced in a new style brought a lot of profit. In 1917, Pablo Picasso met Olga Khokhlova, who became his wife. Picasso became very rich and successful. He bought a limo Hispano-Suiza, hired a driver, and wore expensive suits, created by famous Parisian tailors. In 1921, his son Paolo was born. Picasso made endless drawings of his son and wife, marking on them not only the day but also the hour when he painted them. All of these works were created in the neoclassical style. However, Picasso got bored of being rich. He left his apartment and moved to his workshop. During the Spanish Revolution, Pablo Picasso stayed in Paris. In 1937, the artist was commissioned to create the canvas Guernica in black and white colors for the World Exhibition in Paris. The joy of life was depicted in the paintings of the master in the post-war period. Colorfulness and bright images are embodied in the cycle of panels that Picasso created for a private collection. During his new period of life, Pablo Picasso was interested in Greek mythology, which was reflected in his artworks. In 1947, Picasso was interested in ceramics. He created decorative plates, dishes, pitchers, and statuettes at his factory. Soon he got tired of this fascination, and he moved on to portraits. In recent years, Picasso was painting in different styles, imitating the Impressionists. Before his death, he admitted that he liked the paintings of   Modigliani most of all. Death In the 60s, Picasso painted nothing except womens portraits. His model became his last wife, Jacqueline Rock. By the end of life, Pablo Picasso was a millionaire and had several personal locks. During his long biography, Picasso created 80 thousand paintings, more than 1000 sculptures, collages, drawings, and engravings. He once said, I could not live without giving all of my time to the art. It is the goal of my life. Art gives me the greatest joy. On April 8, 1973, the heart of a 92-year-old genius stopped. His works are still considered to be the most expensive compared with those of other artists of the twentieth century. Being the most expensive of his works, the canvas of Pablo Picasso Algerian Women was sold for 179 million and 365 thousand dollars at the Christies auction in 2015.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Environment and Development Economic Approach

Question: Discuss about the Environment and Development for Economic Approach. Answer: Introduction: Singapore is one of the fastest growing countries for more than a decade. The reason behind this growth in Gross Domestic Product is rapid growth in the industrial and service sector. The industrial sector produces twenty five percent of the countrys total income. The output percentage of the agricultural sector in the countrys Gross Domestic Product is insignificant. The high output percentage of the industrial sector is associated with high negative externality which affects the countrys environment. The environmental laws and regulations of the country are targeted against the negative externalities which affects the environment and economy as well. The essay will critically discuss the relevant economic theories that underlie the environmental issues in Singapore. The economic theories incorporated here are demand and supply theory, externalities of production, and government policies which comes from the National Environment Agency and other authorities. Proper examples which will focus on the issues that the country has been facing and the policies which has adopted by the government will be stated here. Possible changes which will make the policies better will also be discussed in this essay. The economy of Singapore started to grow since 1965. The government of the country took various measures in order to make the countrys economy dependant on the service and industrial sectors. The reason behind such decision was the countrys size. Agricultural sector will require more land which is not present in Singapore (Susskind and Ali 2014). The industrial sector got the boost from domestic and foreign investors. Demand and supply: The rapid investments increased the supply potential of the country. Following the Says law it was assumed that the supply will create its own demand. This helped the country in expanding its output. The situation can be depicted in the figure below: As shown in the figure above, the overall output of the country was at Q1. After the government of Singapore took initiation for expanding the domestic and foreign investments flooded in. It shifted the supply curve outwards of the country. As a result, the output level shifted to Q2. The price level in the market also got reduced from P1 to P2. This helped the countrys producers in facing higher demand. But the fall in price did not incorporate the social cost which resulted in market failure (Kannan, Govindan and Rajendran 2015). The government of Singapore at that time were more focused on the high growth rate of the economy. This diverted the focus from the negative externalities of the high production. The technologies used at first were not environment friendly as it is now. This trait increased the negative externalities and its effects on the economy. Similar problems were faced by other countries like China in different time periods. The degradation of the countrys environment forced the government to create new laws and regulations to improve the environment and reduce the degree of market failure in the economy. With more improvement in the technologies caused by high involvement of the research and development wings of different organizations, the regulations imposed by the government were followed. Externalities: There are two types of externalities of any economic decisions namely negative externalities and positive externalities. The positive externalities increase the social welfare of a country by adding values to the products. On the other hand, the negative externalities hamper an economy and the agents in the economy. The society as a whole gets benefits during occurrence of positive externalities. According to Lin (2014), the negative externalities reduce the well being of the citizens of a country. In the case of Singapore, the positive externalities included job creation and improvement of the standard of living of the people of Singapore. The per capita income rose rapidly during the transition period of Singapore. It added value to the well being of the people of Singapore. The factories which were a vital part of the countrys boom were a huge contributor of emission of green house gases like carbon monoxide (Rosenbaum 2013). It affected the environment of the country. The rapid growth also increased the purchasing power of the common people. According to Frumkin (2016), people started consuming products more, which emits green house gases. Example of these products is cars, diesel generators, and others. These were incorporated in negative externalities. To understand the negative externalities the following diagram is given: As shown in the figure above, the marginal private cost and marginal private benefit are used to determine how much to produce and how much will charge as price. The figure shows that P1 is the price which the private producers are ready to implement. The corresponding output is Q1. But in reality, the negative externalities to the environment are not incorporated in this price level. The inclusion of the cost to the environment would have made the price P2 and the quantity Q2. The social welfare which is not incorporated in the pricing strategy is marked in red in the figure. It represents the impacts on the environment of Singapore due the production processes adopted by the organizations. The situation represents a prisoners dilemma among the producers regarding protect the private profit and social profit. it shows the uncertainty regarding prioritizing between the environment and profit. Government: According to Tortajada, Joshi and Biswas (2013), in order to address the negative externalities and the market failure regarding it, which affects the environment and economy of the country inversely the government of Singapore has taken various steps. These steps include creation of government bodies which has the purpose of making rules and regulations. These regulations were targeted to make the production processes efficient and environment friendly. According to Quah and Roth (2012), the National Environment Agency is one of those initiatives taken in to account by the government of the country. This public organization was founded in the year 2002. The parent agency of the National Environment Agency is the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources of Singapore. The purpose of this organization is to develop environmental initiatives in different sectors to protect the countrys resources from getting polluted. According to Ratti and Claudel (2014), it has three operationa l divisions: Environmental public health, Environmental protection, and Meteorological service Singapore. The ground surveillance and measurements to benefit the public health standard are observed and done by the Environmental public health division. This division is responsible for hygiene and the overall cleanliness of the country. It makes sure that the pollution from the factories is not affecting the citizens of Singapore. The Environmental protection division is responsible for protecting the environment of the country by pollution reductive policies and programmes. According to Mler (2013), it monitors all the organizations and their factories. The waste generated by the factories is monitored by the division as well. The Environmental protection division also implements various programmes which can affect the waste generation process to reduce. The division is also responsible for waste-to-energy projects that are currently running in the country. According to Tietenberg and Lewis (2016), the Meteorological service Singapore monitors the weather and environmental changes in the country. It benefits the socio-economic activities that help the country to grow. The countrys defence system is also aligned with this division. Any changes in the countrys weather due to the negative externalities of the factories make the organizations answerable to the Meteorological service Singapore. Policy measurements following the Cost benefit and market failure: The National Environment Agency has taken numerous measures to protect the environment of the country. In the year 2006, the government of Singapore announced accession to the Kyoto Protocol. According to Seltenrich (2016), the purpose of this is to encourage reduction of carbon emission and increasing energy efficiency for the betterment of the country. The policy measures by the institution also incorporate the ten percent energy challenge started in the year 2008. According to Dixon et al. (2013), this policy encouraged the households to reduce energy consumption by ten percent. The institution also proved that energy efficient electronic goods help the households and the offices in saving lifecycle costs. The waste generation increased from 1,300 tonnes a day in 1970 to 7000 tonnes a day in the year 2006. The institution started a waste management system which accelerated the recycling rate from forty percent in the year 2000 to fifty-six percent in 2008. These policy measures have increased the life span of landfills like Semakau from 25 30 to 35 40 years. The property rights in the country were such designed that the private owners of property focus significantly on the environmental issues (Lam and Notteboom 2014). The policy measures by the country which came through National Environment Agency after 2002 clearly sated the degree to which the country protects the private properties were different according to a rating system provided by the authorities. These policy measures were targeted to reduce the amount of waste that is generated by the factories and the households. It was proved by the National Environment Agency that these measures have yielded positive results. According to the Boj, Mler and Unemo (2013), the rate of pollution in the country has fallen since the early years of this decade. The reduction in the rate of waste and pollution generation also helped the biodiversity in the country. The survey team of the institution has found that near about eight hundred species of plants and animals in the five natural habitats of Semakau. Conclusion: The environmental protection in Singapore has been handled by the government strictly which gave positive results. The National Environment Agency was found by the government under the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources in the year 2002. The purpose of this institution is to help the country to reduce the negative externalities from the production processes that are running in the country. Since the independence, Singapore focused on production maximization. The prices that were charged initially did not cover the social welfare cost that was caused by the pollution generated by the production technologies. It caused market failure in Singapore. Since the introduction of the National Environment Agency the pollution production rate has been reduced over time. The three divisions of the institution addressed the environmental issues of Singapore through three categories of the environmental platform. The surveys done by the government, show that the policy measures brought po sitive results. There are some fields to work on still. With new ideas and the help of the research and development wing of the institution new programmes can be created to reduce the pollution percentage in the country. References: Boj, J., Mler, K.G. and Unemo, L., 2013. Environment and development: an economic approach (Vol. 6). Springer Science Business Media. Dixon, J., Scura, L., Carpenter, R. and Sherman, P., 2013. Economic analysis of environmental impacts. Routledge. Frumkin, H. ed., 2016. Environmental health: from global to local. John Wiley Sons. Kannan, D., Govindan, K. and Rajendran, S., 2015. Fuzzy Axiomatic Design approach based green supplier selection: a case study from Singapore. Journal of Cleaner Production, 96, pp.194-208. Lam, J.S.L. and Notteboom, T., 2014. The greening of ports: A comparison of port management tools used by leading ports in Asia and Europe. Transport Reviews, 34(2), pp.169-189. Lin, S.A. ed., 2014. Theory and measurement of economic externalities. Academic Press. Mler, K.G., 2013. Environmental economics: a theoretical inquiry (Vol. 7). Routledge. Quah, A.K. and Roth, M., 2012. Diurnal and weekly variation of anthropogenic heat emissions in a tropical city, Singapore. Atmospheric Environment, 46, pp.92-103. Ratti, C. and Claudel, M., 2014. LIVE Singapore! The Urban Data Collider. Transfers, 4(3), p.117. Rosenbaum, W.A., 2013. Environmental politics and policy. Cq Press. Seltenrich, N., 2016. Singapore success: new model helps forecast dengue outbreaks. Environmental Health Perspectives, 124(9), p.A167. Susskind, L.E. and Ali, S.H., 2014. Environmental diplomacy: negotiating more effective global agreements. Oxford University Press. Tietenberg, T.H. and Lewis, L., 2016. Environmental and natural resource economics. Routledge. Tortajada, C., Joshi, Y. and Biswas, A.K., 2013. The Singapore water story: sustainable development in an urban city state. Routledge.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Common Elements in Shakespearean Comedy Essay Example

Common Elements in Shakespearean Comedy Essay Two most popular comedies of Shakespeare, Midsummer Night’s Dream and Much Ado About Nothing have much in common in their plot, narrative, characters, conflicts, settings, themes. Some similarities are also observed in the sources of humor and   â€Å"very tragical mirth†(5.1.57). The dominant theme of these two   comedies is the folly, delusion and the irrationality of love which is best illustrated by Theseus’s most well-known speech: â€Å"Lovers and madmen have such seething brains,/ Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend/ More than cool reason ever comprehends./ The lunatic, the lover, and the poet,/ are of imagination all compact:† (AMND. 5.1.4-8) In Midsummer Night’s Dream the ludicrous behavior of the pairs of   lovers – Hermia-Lysander, and Demetrius-Helena – proves to be a kind of wild goose chase to fulfill their passion. The highly intriguing love between Hermia and Lysander takes a serious turn when Hermia is threate ned with dire consequences for deserting Demetrius. (â€Å"The course of true love never did run smooth.† 1.1.123) All the four plots in the play only reinforce the absurdity of love as an emotion. Comedy, according to OED is: â€Å"A stage-play of a light and amusing character, with a happy conclusion to its plot. Such are the comedies of the ancient Greek and Latin writers, and of the modern stage. But in the Middle Ages the term was applied to other than dramatic compositions, the ‘happy ending’ being the essential part of the notion.† The plot in Midsummer is original in the sense that it based on folklore and superstitions, not borrowed from others. The earthly lovers, Theseus and his queen Hippolyta are related to the passionate young lovers – Lysander, Demetrius, Hermia and Helena. The supernatural couple, Oberon and Titania, are linked to the lovers and Bottom. In both the comedies the characters say silly things and behave in irresponsible ways only to realize their stupidity in the end. The play within the play â€Å"Pyramus and Thisby† also underscores the irresistible force of youthful love. In Much Ado About Nothing the plot of Benedick-Beatrice charge the atmosphere with the wit and mirth, while the action of Hero-Claudio plot   makes the story   move forward. Added to these is the sub-plot of Dogberry-Verge who not only provide the low comedy with malapropism, (â€Å"Our watch, sir, hath indeed comprehended two aspicious persons.† 3.5.49) but also help unmasking of the evil char acters. Having no supernatural agents to aid them, they resolve their complications with the help of wit and intelligence. We will write a custom essay sample on Common Elements in Shakespearean Comedy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Common Elements in Shakespearean Comedy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Common Elements in Shakespearean Comedy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In A Midsummer the darkness of the forest constitute the dream world in which the lovers indulge in extravagant demeanor under the magic influence of love potion administered by mischievous Puck. It seems true that â€Å"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.† (1.1.234) The audience too finds it easy to accept their strange behavior in this make-believe world. In Much Ado About Nothing it is the darkness is provided by Don John hatching a heinous conspiracy   against the innocent Hero to spite her and ruin her marriage. The conflict reaches its climax when she faints at the marriage altar and announced dead. Another incident of tragic content is Beatrice’s request to Benedict to kill Claudio in a duel. There is no supernatural power here to set the complications right. Quarrels and conflicts are realistically shown in both the comedies to be a part of marital life. It is the   presence of mind of Dogberry and Verges which lead to   Don John’s indi ctment. The tragic elements which threaten the comic mood of the play are solved before they can spoil the comic spirit. In A Midsummer Night’s Dream Hermia and Lysander escape Egeus’ wrath by eloping into the forest. Later the sudden and love for the wrong persons due to wrong administration of love potion is corrected before Demetrius and Lysander get involved in fighting. In Much Ado About Nothing the friends, Claudio and Benedick, head for a duel for wrongful slandering of   Hero’s reputation and her consequent â€Å"death†. The dark conspiracy of Don John is defeated by the efficient constables, Dogberry and Verges. The humor in A Midsummer Night’s Dream revolves around the unnatural behavior of the lovers both at the court, more so in the magic atmosphere of the forest. Shakespeare shows in both the plays how   love-at-first-sight conquers the very logical and reasoning abilities of otherwise sane individuals. Even the fairies are not exempted from its abnormal impact as is evident from the funny infatuation between Titania and Bottom with ass-head. With the special kind of humor is associated     the new epithet â€Å"puckish† which according OED (Online) means: â€Å"Of the nature of or characteristic of Puck; impish, mischievous, capricious†. Pranks also play a significant role in these comedies. In A Midsummer Night’s Dream Oberon complicates matters by ordering   Puck to drop magical flower’s juice on the eyelids of   Demetrius and Helena to revive their old love, but Puck puts it on Lysander by mistake leading to further complication. Now   b oth Demetrius and Lysander madly chasing Helena. In A Much Ado About Nothing, however, there is more wit than puckish humor, more verbal duel than slapstick humour. The proud and argumentative lovers, Benedick and Beatrice steal the show. Though they are made for each other and secret love each other, none would confess his/her love for the other. So again, a prank is played by Claudio, Hero and Antonio on this warring couple. When falsely reported about their deep love for each other, the proud lovers fall madly in love and fail to see through the tricks. Both the comedies end happily after the conflicts are resolved. The handling of comic situation in A Midsummer Night’s Dream shows considerable skill and its theme of the power of infatuation between two members of opposite sex is universal and eternal. Likewise, the repartee and display of wit in Much Ado About Nothing make Benedict and Beatrice two immortal comic characters. Part II: My Own â€Å"Shakespearean† Comedy: Synopsis of   Chasing Miss Wrong In New York John Warne, the young bachelor boss of a successful software company vows to avoid women after his fiancà ©e and Secretary Miss Julie jilts him for a baseball player. Efficiency is a must in his office; he asserts it as he fires an old security officer named Braithwaite for sleeping on duty. The sacked man vows revenge.   Though the boss resolves to recruit   the most efficient and experienced woman for the vacant post, he finally is attracted to a young buxom whose skill and testimonials are   dubious and appoints her rather impulsively. Some of his serious subordinates are surprised, but others smile it away as the influence of the Cupid or biology getting the better of commerce. His sister Lucy, a fitness-freak, hates doctors because of their busy schedule and preoccupation with diseases. But Doctor Brown who treats her for bone fracture with great care   falls in love with her and is now depressed as his love is not requited. As a novice secretary, Lina gets nervous and makes more and more mistakes; then she has to stay back to complete her work. She tries to win her boss by taking extra care of his needs, like coffee, appointment; but in figure work she cuts a sorry figure. The boss tries to gloss over her mistakes as he realizes he cannot live without her. So he tries to get intimate with her but is spurned by her. She rather prefers his quiet accountant and tries to go out with him, but he shows no interest. He is infatuated by a singer at a bar which he visits to unwind. To please his boss the accountant says nice things about him and begins to act as a go-between. He advices the boss to raise her salary and make her job more comfortable. After much pretence, and protestations of his sister, the boss proposes to her and finally a date of marriage is fixed. On the day of wedding John is surprised when he discovers that the man who would give away the daughter is none but his sacked security officer, Braithwaite. CAST: John Warne: The bachelor boss of a software company. Lucy Warne: The highly fastidious sister of John hates doctors as lover. Doctor Brown: While treating Lucy he falls in love her and feels frustrated. S.Braithwaite: The sacked security officer who vows revenge Lina Braithwaite: The pretty, buxom daughter who conceals her identity. Peter Martin: The cool accountant   agrees willingly to help his boss win Lina to get rid of her. Office staff. Plot of   Chasing   Miss Wrong Act I:   The play begins with John’s sacking of a security officer for sleeping on duty. A pretty secretary with dubious skill is appointed by the same boss. Act II: A doctor falls in love with his fussy sister who went to an orthopedic for fixing a bone fracture. Act III: The plot thickens when Lina is infatuated by quiet accountant Peter Martin. The doctor implores to John to persuade his sister not to be so heartless. Act IV: Peter Martin dislikes Lina and diverts her attention to the boss as a more eligible suitor. Act V: With Peter’s help John proposes to Lina and their marriage is fixed up. On wedding day he discovers Braithwaite to be Lina’s father. Lucy agrees to marry the romantic doctor in spite of his busy schedule. Part III: Elements of Comedy in My Play: In my comedy Chasing Miss Wrong I have endeavored to absorb some elements of Shakespearean comedy. I have shown the inexplicable force of infatuation between man and woman which is universal and eternal. Confirmed bachelor like John falls in love against his will and against all the principles he believes in. Men love the company of pretty women and prefer them in office to men – a truth few admit. Romantic girls like Lucy dislike doctors as husband, but often they give in to persuasion. Even cool accountant like Peter is fascinated by a singer at bar. All these prove that love is an irrational and absurd emotion beyond the control of lovers. And lovers always behave foolishly like Hermia and Demetrius. Moreover, like Beatrice, fussy women like Lucy always end up with   the type of men they profess to detest. Dismissed and disgruntled Braithwaite has his revenge without doing harm; he dominates his ex-boss now as father-in-law. Though lovers’ paths are not always smoo th, true lovers ultimately have happy ending.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Edwin Arlington Robinson essays

Edwin Arlington Robinson essays Edwin Arlington Robinson was a poet who has long been popular among lay readers-the non-literary public-but the tremendous scope of his work and the power of his mastery over words marks him as one of the greater poets of his time. In spite of its consistent tone his works showed a great versatility. (Heiney pg. 244) Robinson was a poet of true vision and unimpeachable honesty. (Louis pg. 5) He was a man who loved words. Shy and almost wholly inarticulate he wrote with great labor and absorption. (Louis pg. 20) Robinson was a late romantic, a Victorian, a transcendentalist whose lust after the abstract was nearly destructive. (Louis pg. 15) Robinson was a nineteenth-century product and a scion of New England stock. (Louis pg. 13) Edwin Arlington Robinson was born in the tiny village of Head Tide, Maine in 1869, at the very dawn of the Gilded Age. (Louis pg. 8) His family was old and respected; he was descended on his mothers side from a colonial governor of Massachusetts and from a sister of the poetess Ann Bradstreet. (Heiney pg. 248) Robinson was the youngest of three children. His Mother, Mary Elizabeth Palmer, was a woman of some literary taste, though perhaps one may feel free to be skeptical of the quality of such taste. (Coxe pg. 8) Robinsons father, Edward Robinson, was a man of a not insensitive nature and in different circumstances might have shown his oldest and youngest boys more sympathy. (Coxe pg. 8) Herman, the oldest child, was destined to manage the family fortune while Dean, the middle child, was to become a doctor. This left opportunity to Edwin to pursue his dreams. (Ellsworth pg. 34) Edward, shortly after Edwin was born, moved the family to another small town Gardiner (which would become Tilbury Town of his poems). He was anticipating a boom in business; he was concentrated in the lumber trade and had ventured into speculation in western p...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Medicare funding and Reibursement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Medicare funding and Reibursement - Essay Example The figures provided in the example have been used in the calculations. SNF base rate = 70% adjusted by area wages (hospital wage index) + 30% non-labor related portion (base adjusted for geographical factors x RUG weight). The nursing rate of $151 as per (Medpac 2008) will be used in the calculation. In terms of Participating Physician who accept assignment on each and every case the Physician bills Medicare and the patient 100% of the Medicare approved fee which is $125,000 in this case. Medicare will pay 80% which is equivalent to $100,000 and the patient will pay 20% which equals $25,000. In terms of a Non-participating Physician who accepts assignment on a case by case basis Medicare and the patient will be billed for 95% of the Medicare approved fee of $125,000. 95% is represented by $118,750. Medicare will pay 80% of $118,750 which is equal to $95,000 and the patient will pay 20% which is equal to $23,750. With respect to Non-participating Physicians who do not accept assignment the patient is billed for 115% of the Medicare approved fee of $125,000. This 115% is equal to $143,750. The patient makes the entire payment and Medicare reimburses 80% of the approved fee for non-participating physicians. Therefore, Medicare would pay 80% of $118,750 which is equal to $95,000 and the patient will bear the difference between what was paid to the Non-participating Physician which is $143,750 minus $95,000, which is equal to $48,750. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2010). Fact Sheet: Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System. Retrieved: Last accessed 31 Mar