Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Racism in Disney Movies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Racism in Disney Movies - Research Paper Example ed lyrics are vastly clear as they depict the oriental society as crude and completely barbaric by citing erroneous and negative accounts of their culture. Although, the song has now been revised for its offensive lyrics, but the fact that it was there to begin with clearly shows the bad stereotypes and how it was propagated in earlier versions of the film. (Bernstein & Studlar, 1997, p. 17) This deconstruction of oriental culture within western cinema was first brought to notice by Edward Said’s (1978) theory of ‘Orientalism’, according to which Orientals were portrayed as crude and savages in the media to promote the superiority of western ideology. The racist portrayal was not only restricted to the Middle East, but the general depiction of the minorities was indeed quite warped. For instance, in Pocahontas, the story has been turned into a heartwarming romance between an Indian girl and an Englishman, with the story ending on a heartwarmingly happier note, wit h both ethnicities finally living in harmony. On the other hand, the real events were not as delightful as the one shown in the movie, which clearly represents how misguiding these movies are for the children. In the end, the Indian servant and Pocahontas’ union with her white lover clearly shows the west’s perceived superiority, which is blatantly and colorfully projected on to the big screens for the young children. In reality, the Native Indians were systematically wiped out to help the white faction gain the upper hand over the region; a painful historical fact that was skillfully masked in the film. Furthermore, in several instances the Native Indians are openly referred to as savages, which is further detrimental in establishing an image for the child. Even in Peter Pan, the Native Indians are... As a matter of fact, the obsession with the notion of ‘happily ever after’ is not only contained within the west, but all over the world young girls and boys are ardent fans of Disney motion pictures. Although, parents may not find anything bothersome regarding the content that they are feeding their children through the movies, but analysts have discovered a number of nefarious undertones within the innocent storylines of their movies. Although, Disney has tried their best to remove all the aforementioned racist lyrics but the fact that they are still present on previous copies of the movies continues to make it alarming for parents. Even though, some parents have deemed the presence of these racist elements as completely unimportant, but it is an undeniable fact that children are highly impressionable and thus are greatly influenced by the things they see on television. Disney movies may cause them to establish erroneous pre-conceived notions about people who seem to possess the traits that are present in all the unfavorable cartoon characters. They may hear a black man speaking and immediately make the association that they are lazy and idle like the crows in Dumbo and even believe that all Native Indians are crude and have bad grammar. These pre-conceived notions will only make it difficult for them to associate or identify themselves with other races on a human level. Therefore, it is not healthy for parents to continually expose their child to such content as it narrows down the child’s horizon and he continues to view foreignness in a negative light and children belonging to minority groups may grow up to view western values and cultures as completely superior to their own.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Exercise research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exercise research - Essay Example Please provide answers to the following three (3) questions. The results of your investigations may be, summarised in a table like the one below. A word count of between 300 and 400 words for each answer is required. Please do not exceed the word count, as this will not gain any additional marks. Each answer must include references to each article you have used to answer each question: Please use the Library Portal to find three (3) sources of information that clarifies this claim. Summarise the nature and extent of the problem based on the information you used from your selected articles. There is no doubt that the frequency of computer related fraud and crime had grown in the past few years. One of the rampant and challenging problems is digital piracy of entertainment material and software applications. Craig Kuhl, in his New York Times article, points out the prospects and problems facing the digital media industry in light of threat from piracy and copyright infringement: â€Å"The stakes are high: Worldwide online video revenue is expected to exceed $4.5 billion by 2012, up from $1.2 billion in 2008. And by 2012, according to In-Stat, 90% of U.S. households will have access to broadband, with 94% watching online video. An IMS Research study estimates that by 2013, 255 million TV households worldwide will be watching HDTV and the number of unique HD titles increased by 161% over the first six months of this year, and the number of on-demand orders jumped to 3 billion in 2007. Meanwhile, the Motion Picture Association of America puts annual losses to film piracy at a whopping $18 billion†. (Craig Kuhl, 2008, p.22) Surely, 18 billion dollars is a significant loss to an industry that is also vulnerable to several other risk factors. Other threats to computer systems worldwide come in the form of viruses, worms and Trojan horses. The issue of financial and information losses from these